
Thanks to Kinesiology we can connect with the most extraordinary creation of the universe, the human body. In other words, with certain muscle tests and reflex zones, our unconscious can provide us with information that we do not know at a conscious level. In this way we can help individual to self-regulate, evaluating the imbalances that they could have in their body at a structural, chemical, nutritional, emotional, and energetic level.

The holistic approach applied in kinesiology, can get to the root cause of that pain, discomfort, imbalance, or high stress of the body, through muscles testing to find “PRIORITY” of the imbalances.

Using kinesiology, it is possible to find out deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fatty acids or amino acids. We can also identify problems caused by inestable intestinal flora, enzymes, low protein, folic acid, oxidation in the body, and dehydration. Also, a specific type of supplement that the body needs, for its restoration.

The techniques used within kinesiology are diverse, and are designed to help in the treatment of a wide range of conditions including:

  • Subluxation, which is a pinched nerve that interferes with the transmission of nerve messages between the brain and the rest of the body.
  • Spinal joint fixations
  • Problems with the Sacrum, due to bad movements, falls or traumas.
  • Scoliosis
  • Evaluating pelvic alterations due to bad postures, accidents, bad movements when walking.
  • Temporomandibular problems (bruxism), misalignment of the cranial bones, which can affect us throughout the body.
  • Alterations in the endocrine system
  • Digestive disorders system such as such as gastritis, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, enzyme problems, liver, gallbladder and pancreas dysfunctions, malfunctioning of the intestinal flora, intestinal candida, sphincter problems such as ileocecal valve and hiatal hernia problems.

On an emotional level, we can work with the patient on lived events that marked some emotion that blocks their good health. Psychological therapies are also of great relevance, since they help to “become aware” of our life that in some way influences our emotional development, and mark actions that affect us to this day.

It has been proven that alterations in glucose are not only physical causes but many of them emotional, therefore, this allows us to see hypo/hyperglycemia at deeper levels.

We solve extreme stress problems within the help of various health techniques. Emotions such as anxiety, frustrations, fears, insecurities block us and do not allow us to be in harmony with the natural process of maintaing healthy.

The word Kinesiology derives from the Greek “kinesis” which means movement and “logos” which means study or treatise. Therefore, etymologically Kinesiology is the “study of movement”.

In practical terms we examine how functioning of the muscles, and we use them as indicators to diagnose and improve the performance of the body. The word “Neuro” is related to the nervous system, which is the channel that connects the brain with all the parts of the body, including the organs. And “Holistic” refers to seeing the body as “a whole”.

The kinesiologist decodes information on individual’s health status using specific muscle tests and encodes this information in a coherent and harmonic way to promote self-regulation of the body.